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Bible themes: Children

Lent, Easter and Pentecost resources

This Easter season, journey with Jesus on his path to the cross and celebrate his resurrection. We have a host of resources to help you reflect and celebrate, including our new children’s Easter booklet.

Bibles bring joy to children in Malawi

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, Alan Kember visited the Bible Society of Malawi. Here he brings us the good news of how children at a Sunday school are thrilled to have received Bibles through your kind giving.

You can give the Bible to children in the Middle East

This Christmas you can help reach thousands of children in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan by supporting the distribution work of dedicated Bible mission teams in those places today.

Open the Book in Wales

Open the Book was established in 1999 in Gloucestershire. The initial Welsh language resources were published by Cyhoeddiadau’r Gair in 2008. With the work growing so rapidly in Wales, a need was seen for an officer to promote Open the Book and pro...

School chaplain resources

We want to equip school chaplains so that you can help the students, staff and families that you work with to engage with the Bible.

Agor y Llyfr yng Nghymru

Dechreuodd Agor y Llyfr nôl yn 1999 yn Sir Gaerloyw. Cafodd y deunyddiau eu cyhoeddi yn y Gymraeg yn 2008 gan Cyhoeddiadau’r Gair. Yn 2023 lansiwyd deunydd newydd sbon ac mae’r adnoddau hyn wedi ei cyfieithu i’r Gymraeg hefyd.

Egypt tops list as 3.7 million Scriptures given to children last year

Bible Society teams worldwide provided almost 3.7 million Scripture items for children last year thanks to the generous support of people like you.

Jesus Blesses the Children: Luke 18.15–17 (Day 338)

The children come to Jesus, brought by their parents. I can imagine the excitement and anticipation – what will he do, how will he impact my child, what will he say? I'm sure there were many tired parents holding out for a blessing, restless c...

Bringing God’s love to teenage mothers in Guatemala

Bible mission workers in Guatemala have an amazing heart for the vulnerable, sharing God’s word with young offenders, children with special needs and teenage mothers.

All are welcome to open the book in Argentina

Open the Book is bringing the Bible to life for children in Argentina, including those with audio, visual, and learning difficulties. Argentine Bible Society hosted a week-long Open the Book training workshop in March, led by Angela Lopez Branco from...

Reach out with God’s word to children everywhere

While Open the Book has been paused in England and Wales, children around the world are still hearing the Bible’s amazing stories

28,000 Syrian children given gifts of Scripture amid conflict and pandemic

Twenty-eight thousand children in Syria were thrilled to receive Scriptures this Easter thanks to the generous giving of people like you.

What does the Bible say about legacy?

Today, when we think about ‘legacy’ we probably think first of making sure our money and property are passed down to the next generation when we die. In Bible times, too, this was an important concern, and people’s first instinct was that wealt...

‘I have my first Bible, how marvellous!’

Your generous gifts are helping to put Bibles into the hands of thousands of children in not only this West African country, but also other nations across the continent.

Our people

Meet our Leadership Team and Board of Trustees, the people who lead Bible Society.

In the Middle East

We have a special place in our hearts for the Middle East. We’ve been working to bring the Bible to life there for nearly 70 years – and have no intention of leaving.

Support and Prayer for Open the Book

You can support the work of Open the Book in a number of ways. In whatever way you choose, you’ll be helping us to achieve our vision of sharing the Bible through the power of storytelling. 

Forms and Stickers

Get all the relevant administrative forms and promotional resources you'll need.

Our trustees

Our trustees provide advice and support, and ensure we comply with the expectations of the Charity Commission and with our Royal Charter.



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