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Bible themes: Children

The Bible Course: Personal Edition

Explore the BIG story at your own leisure.

Ukrainian and Russian Scriptures

We want to help Christians working with refugees from Ukraine in their ministry. So we’re offering free copies of Ukrainian and Russian Scriptures and resources to those who can use them.

Biblical Fathers: David

It's Father's Day on Sunday, and this week Bible Society is focusing on some biblical fathers. Some of them get it right, some don't – but they all tell us something about the challenges of fatherhood today.

(Un)conditional: What does Father Christmas show us about the gospel?

Father Christmas reveals the world’s conditional love, whilst the gospel reveals God’s unconditional love.

Psalm 23-inspired prayer garden to open in the Lot valley, France in 2023

A private garden in the Lot Valley in southern France is set to open as a Psalm 23-inspired prayer garden next year. Owners Julia and Mark Broughton were inspired by Sarah Eberle’s Psalm 23 Garden at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. ‘We saw the video...

Cardiff school creates winter garden based on Ps 23

Fifty children from a primary school in Cardiff have helped to create a winter Psalm 23-inspired garden.

Heartwarming Christian testimonies from migrant workers in the Gulf

Prasad and Mariam were just two beneficiaries of the End-to-End project run by Bible Society in the Gulf and supported by you here in England and Wales. Read their testimonies today.

Give the Bible to a child

For many children in Africa and the Middle East, global economic trouble has put the Bible forever out of reach. Will you change that today and bring God's love to a struggling family?

What is trauma healing?

When the crisis in the Middle East began, our staff immediately began meeting the physical needs of refugees, offering mattresses, food and tents. After a while, we realised that refugees had a deeper, unspoken need: they wanted someone to talk to.

Get Started

Storytelling teams are made up of trained and safely recruited volunteers from local churches and organisations, who sign up as members and follow the Open the Book Code of Practice.

Bible Q&A: When did monogamy become the norm?

Many of the Old Testament leaders had more than one wife. At what point in Jewish history did monogamy become the accepted norm?

Ruth: Not your average love story

The book of Ruth is set during a dark time in Israel's history, though most scholars believe it was written down a good deal later. Not many good things happened during the period of the Judges ¬– it ends with the words, 'There was no ki...

Bible Q&A: Is God male or female?

If God made male and female in his image, what does that make God?

Bible Q&A: Has the Bible lost its authority?

If each generation has to interpret the Bible in the light of their experience, isn’t its authority lost in the psychology of those interpreting it?

Biblical Fathers: Isaac

It's Father's Day on Sunday, and this week Bible Society is focusing on some biblical fathers. Some of them get it right, some don't – but they all tell us something about the challenges of fatherhood today.

My favourite passage is from Philippians 4.4

My favourite passage is from Philippians 4.4, “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice”. Before I had any faith, I was a non-believing chorister. I have sung this since I was a teenager. I knew it from singing it.

Empowering women in Pakistan with the word of God

Beena is a 76-year-old Christian woman living at the mouth of the Khyber region of Pakistan. She is a cheerful lady with eight children and 27 grandchildren, but until recently she lived in terrible fear. Gun-toting Islamists controlled and terrorise...

How much did Mary love Jesus?

In Britain, Mother's Day falls on the fourth Sunday of Lent and started as a church tradition. While you won’t find many verses in the Bible directly hailing motherhood, it’s easy to see through the stories of Bible moms the love that God ha...

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Get in touch and we’ll send someone to share our latest stories with your church and details of how you can partner in our mission.



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