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Bible themes: Children

Bible Q&A: David – a man after God's own heart?

Why is King David referred to as 'a man after God's own heart? This really challenges me, as many of his psalms call for God to unleash vengeance and judgement upon his adversaries, as opposed to pleading for him to reveal himself to them i...

Your guide to biblical genre

Understanding the genre – or type – of writing you've got in front of you when you open your Bible will make a huge difference to how you interpret the text. Learn the basics of biblical genre with this handy guide.

Top tips for memorising Scripture

Whether you’re a beginner looking to start small or an expert wanting to take it to the next level, here are some tips to help you on your way to a lifelong habit of Bible memorisation.

Biblical Fathers: Jephthah

It's Father's Day on Sunday, and this week Bible Society is focusing on some biblical fathers. Some of them get it right, some don't – but they all tell us something about the challenges of fatherhood today.

Biblical Fathers: Elkanah

It's Father's Day on Sunday, and this week Bible Society is focusing on some biblical fathers. Some of them get it right, some don't – but they all tell us something about the challenges of fatherhood today.

Biblical Fathers: Joseph

It's Father's Day on Sunday, and this week Bible Society is focusing on some biblical fathers. Some of them get it right, some don't – but they all tell us something about the challenges of fatherhood today.

‘During the pandemic, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

‘During the pandemic, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The verse that helped me was a verse that’s been with me all my adult life, Psalm 16.8, “I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken”.

I was a vet and a managing partner in a big practice

I was a vet and a managing partner in a big practice on the edge of the New Forest. I’d done everything from horses to cows, but ended up being a skin specialist for cats and dogs.

Romans 8.28 became the verse that all our family had on the wall

‘Romans 8.28 became the verse that all our family had on the wall. It says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”.

My whole family have bad back pain through overdoing it.

My whole family have bad back pain through overdoing it. Once, I went to the local church and I got very involved. I ran the music there, and I was involved in politics, standing for the local council.

Apart from being an ambulance person, I am an elder and a youth worker.

Apart from being an ambulance person, I am an elder and a youth worker. We go every year to a Christian youth festival. A few years ago we were there and I was praying that God would speak to the young people, but the message spoke to me.

My favourite passage from the Bible is John 1.1–5

My favourite passage from the Bible is John 1.1–5, which says, “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” I love hearing it at Christmas.

Romans 10.14 says, “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?

‘Romans 10.14 says, “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”

I had some dark times in my life when I lacked certainty

I had some dark times in my life when I lacked certainty and John 6.37 gave me the thought that I didn’t have to be perfect. I realised that, lo and behold, I wasn’t perfect.

Bread and wine

Whether or not you go to church, you’ll probably be aware that Communion is often at the heart of the service.It tends to be a fairly solemn, soul-searching affair. Originally it was more about Christians sharing a meal together ...

I was about 19. Somebody had given me a book about people’s testimonies.

I was about 19. Somebody had given me a book about people’s testimonies. All of them had talked about the Holy Spirit coming into their lives and the difference that it made. I didn’t know how the Holy Spirit came into your life.

Did Jesus forbid divorce and remarriage?

Just over nine per cent of adults in England and Wales have been divorced; that’s according to the 2021 Census. So what does the Bible have to say about divorce, and how should we understand it? The words of Jesus in Matthew 5.31–32 seem quite cl...

Five ways to find resurrection power in Scripture this Easter

Share The Awesome Easter Surprise, get on board with The Lent Encounter, download an action-packed family service, and reach beyond your church with the End of the Road? outreach booklet.

‘I came broken to Bahrain, but God made me whole’

Desperately poor women arrive in the Gulf from the Indian subcontinent in the hope of finding a job as a housemaid. Thanks to you, many of them are also finding Jesus. Read Kanti’s story.



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