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518 results for: 'common good'

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I’m interested in memorising passages from the Bible.

I’m interested in memorising passages from the Bible. I do it all the time, for about an hour and a half every morning. I have memorised Psalm 23. It was the first thing I read when I became a Christian. When I pray, I pray Psalm 23.

I love the story of Thomas in John 20.24–29.

I love the story of Thomas in John 20.24–29. He knew that there was such a thing as fake news. People didn’t rise from the dead, did they?

It was the fifth and sixth day after coming to the UK

It was the fifth and sixth day after coming to the UK. There was Covid, so we were quarantined in an Airbnb. I realised that we weren’t going to get any help from the estate agent in finding somewhere to live. I hid myself in my room and was frustr...

The Gospel according to Isaiah

Christians have always looked to Isaiah for a deeper understanding of the person and mission of Jesus. Since the early days of the Church, Isaiah has been called the fifth Gospel.

Apart from being an ambulance person, I am an elder and a youth worker.

Apart from being an ambulance person, I am an elder and a youth worker. We go every year to a Christian youth festival. A few years ago we were there and I was praying that God would speak to the young people, but the message spoke to me.

I was raised a non-believing family

I was raised a non-believing family. We scoffed at the idea of there being a God when it was brought up at the CofE primary school I attended.

What does the Bible say about legacy?

Today, when we think about ‘legacy’ we probably think first of making sure our money and property are passed down to the next generation when we die. In Bible times, too, this was an important concern, and people’s first instinct was that wealt...

Why should Christians read the Old Testament?

One answer is that the whole Bible is inspired by God, and it’s all his word to us. Another is that it’s full of great stories and wonderful verse that feeds our spirits. Another is that the world of the New Testament grew directly out of the wor...

I was about 19. Somebody had given me a book about people’s testimonies.

I was about 19. Somebody had given me a book about people’s testimonies. All of them had talked about the Holy Spirit coming into their lives and the difference that it made. I didn’t know how the Holy Spirit came into your life.

Did Jesus forbid divorce and remarriage?

Just over nine per cent of adults in England and Wales have been divorced; that’s according to the 2021 Census. So what does the Bible have to say about divorce, and how should we understand it? The words of Jesus in Matthew 5.31–32 seem quite cl...

Are the gifts of the Holy Spirit for Christians today?

When the Holy Spirit made his home inside Jesus’ followers at Pentecost, on top of receiving the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, they received spiritual gifts. From that day on, they could speak in tongues, prophesy, and perform miracle...

I was furious. I had just come back from being interviewed by a college

‘I was furious. I had just come back from being interviewed by a college with a view to being trained to be a Baptist minister. The last thing my minister had said to me before I left was, “The one thing they won’t ask you to do is a year’s e...

My wife and I were told we’d likely never have children

My wife and I were told we’d likely never have children – even if we went through certain procedures. I was born with a “defect”, and after both of us went through some tests, I discovered I had one or two other issues that added insult to in...

Why does Paul write about unity?

Unity was a key theme of Paul’s teaching and he wrote about it in many of his letters to churches. Just like believers today, the Christians of the early Church had fallings out and arguments that caused division, so Paul had to remind them to stri...

The Beembe Bible

The Bible is being published in Congo's Beembe language for the first time. This new translation was years in the making and Beembe-speaking Christians say they can't wait to get their hands on it.

Working towards Revelation 7.9

Osoba Otaigbe, a Baptist minister, is the man behind a game-changing Christian gathering that took place in Leeds last month, Intercultural Church and City Transformation. Read his story.

What are so many Iranians doing here?

Not everyone is enthusiastic about new arrivals in this country. But for the Church, more people within reach means more people to reach.

Tim Farron: Get involved!

Christians should care about and engage with politics because Christians should love their neighbour as themselves, and engaging in political decision-making is a key way to do that. If Christians do not turn up and take part in these decisions, we c...

The Big Church Poetry Slam

Rebecca Rocker from Swindon beat 16 other spoken word artists, to win The Big Church Poetry Slam 2024. Her three incredible spoken word pieces were based on characters, stories and themes from the Bible, as well as a direct recital.

Running Romans: What is Bible Society’s new course actually like?

Have you thought of running The Romans course at your church but you're not sure yet? Discovery Church Central in Swindon has run The Romans Course across four of its small groups and used the Sunday resources. Find out how they got on.



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