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518 results for: 'common good'

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Gardening teaches us how to relate to others, summit told

In a moving end to the Gather Movement Summit, Dr Natan Mladin from Theos, actor Cathy Morling and Dr Girma Bishaw of the Gratitude Initiative, spoke of how we can all be gardeners in the way we live out our Christian life.

Intentional goodness: Titus 2.1–15 (Day 307)

It's probably true to say that most of us assume we are good people. We are unlikely, if we're part of a Christian community, to be habitually adulterous or drunk or prone to stealing or violence. In Paul's day these things needed to b...

Counting the cost: Luke 12.13–21 (Day 332)

By the time Luke wrote his account, the Gospel message had begun to spread and cause controversy. Imagine a Jewish convert hanging out with the Jesus sect on a Sunday, suggesting to his family that yesterday’s Sabbath worship was no longer good eno...

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: Luke 16.19–31 (Day 336)

This is a story of contrasts – a rich man who wanted for nothing, and a poor man called Lazarus who was destitute in every way. In a country where the common people were fortunate if they ate meat once in a week, the rich man cuts a figure of extre...

‘Seek and pray’ for God, justice and flourishing says Paul Williams

Seeking God, his justice, and the flourishing of our communities should lie at the heart of our lives as Christians. Prayer is the central way that we seek it. That was the message today from Paul Williams, at the Gather Movement Summit.

The long read: ‘We lost everything, but we found God’

What happens when you give money for someone to have a Bible? It helps people and changes lives. This is Andriy and Yana’s story.

A shepherd who smells of the sheep: 1 Thessalonians 3.1–13 (Day 290)

This is a heart-warming chapter. Paul speaks of his deep love for the Thessalonians, and of his fear that they might have been seduced from their love of God by fear of persecution (verse 5). It's good news though: Timothy, whom Paul had sent to...

A useless vine: Ezekiel 15 (Day 255)

In Ezekiel’s next vision, he is shown a useless vine. The wood of this vine is good for nothing if it does not bear fruit, unlike other woods from which many things are made for our use and benefit. This image is comparable to the image of Israel a...

Fiona Bruce MP launches Bible Society Magi Initiative

Fiona Bruce MP has launched the Magi Initiative of The Bible Society by highlighting attacks on the church in parts of Ukraine that are under Russian occupation.

Who will deliver me?: Romans 7.7–25 (Day 229)

There's no chapter in Paul's writing that has been discussed and argued over as much as Romans 7, and it's certainly complicated. But there are some straightforward truths here too. He says the Law 'made me know what sin is' ...

Who can be against us?: Romans 8.18–39 (Day 230)

Here Paul delves into the long conflict between good and evil in human nature. Now, he says, we have a divine power, the Holy Spirit, on our side. The death of Christ was a decisive moment, and we share in his resurrection life.

Growing together: Matthew 13.24–30 (Day 184)

This is another parable about the Kingdom of Heaven. The world is a very mixed bag: there’s good and evil, joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain. Good people don’t get what they deserve, and neither do bad people – it all sometimes seems a bit random.

Chinese lay preachers full of thanks for ‘precious’ Study Bible

Chinese lay preachers have recorded video messages to express their gratitude to Bible Society supporters after being provided with free Chinese Study Bibles.

‘More than a prophet’: Matthew 17.1–13 (Day 188)

After having spent some time with Jesus, the disciples must have thought they had a pretty good idea of what he was about, until at the drop of a hat he began to talk about suffering and dying. Peter voiced what everyone else was thinking: the Messia...

Grace, works or both?: Matthew 19 (Day 190)

In today’s passage Matthew places a brief, seemingly innocuous, scene between the weighty topics of marriage and money. The peaceful image of Jesus’ hands resting on the heads of children seems strangely out of place. Yet, all three passages hang...

People think the Bible is outdated and contradictory – but they say good things too

Participants were asked to choose five words that described their response to the Bible from a list containing positive and negative expressions.

Are Harvest Festivals biblical?

Through September and October churches of most denominations have a Harvest Festival. The modern harvest festival developed over time, drawing on biblical themes and local traditions.

'Humble yourselves under God's mighty hand': 1 Peter 5.1–11 (Day 138)

Peter's letter was written in the context of persecution and trials. But he always has in mind a wider context: that this world doesn't have the last word, and that the sufferings and sacrifices we make now will be crowned with glory in God...

Do not imitate evil: 3 John (Day 148)

If you’ve lived for any length of time you’ll have experienced a variety of leaders and leadership styles. Over the years, you’ve no doubt formed an opinion about the effectiveness of what you’ve seen. But what makes a good church leader?



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