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518 results for: 'common good'

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He’d walk nine hours to preach the gospel in China

Long Xinrong used to walk nine hours to preach the gospel in China, until his prayers were answered and Bible Society supporters provided him with a motorcycle

The prayers of the lowly: Psalm 10.1–18 (Day 96)

In recent years, wrongdoing by powerful people has increasingly made headlines. We've read about evil in high places in politics, business and the Church, from sexual abuse to financial scandals. A common theme seems to have been that those resp...

Group holds banquet after 18 months apart

A group of 12 adults with learning disabilities in Lancashire, held a Psalm 23 banquet as they reunited after 18 months apart due to Covid.

How teens learned Psalm 23 through our fun resources

A dozen teenagers in Kilbride, Northern Ireland, have spent four weeks learning about Psalm 23 through our schools’ resources.

God can be trusted: Psalm 12.1–8 (Day 97)

When we are under attack – perhaps facing opposition from other people, or struggling with spiritual depression or a lack of joy – it can be easy to feel isolated. As the psalmist says, 'There is not a good person left; honest people can no...

You know my heart: Psalm 17.1–9 (Day 100)

In the Good News Bible, this psalm is headed, 'The prayer of an innocent person'. This is a fair description: the psalmist is convinced that God knows his heart and 'found no evil desire in me' (verse 3). He says he has 'alwa...

Be wise: Ecclesiastes 7.5–12 (Day 110)

Ecclesiastes is one of the books of the Bible known as ‘Wisdom' books – Proverbs is another. Just as Proverbs 4.5 implores us to ‘get wisdom’, Ecclesiastes 7 talks about the value of wisdom. Wisdom is held up to be as ‘good as receivin...

Psalm 23 Garden nears completion

Just two months after the end of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, the Psalm 23 Garden is taking shape at its final home, Winchester Hospice.

‘Turning point’: John 16.16–22 (Day 85)

John 16 not only reveals the confusion of the disciples as Good Friday draws close, but seems to reflect the turmoil of a young Church which is facing persecution and no longer has Jesus in its midst. 'When is he coming back to take us home?...

Gen Z: The Future of Faith?

It is the generation growing up with unlimited access to the internet, provided with instant information and entertainment (‘infotainment’) and unprecedented online connection; but it also has the highest levels of loneliness, social anxiety and ...

Mary Jones: A Bible for all

She was so poor that she had to save for two years to buy a Bible of her own. But now Mary Jones is at the heart of an exhibition at the National Library of Wales.

Give the gift of the Bible this Giving Tuesday

With your help we can raise £10k in a day to reach 2,000 children in Lebanon with the life-changing power of God’s word

Give the gift of the Bible

You can share the Bible in crisis-hit Lebanon and give hope to struggling children

Exodus 20.24–25: Altars of earth and stone (Day 68)

After the terrifying display of God’s power and holiness that ends with the giving of the Ten Commandments, these last few verses of Exodus 20 are remarkably undramatic. An altar of earth seems nothing special. It is not ornate or valuable in itsel...

Mark 10.46–52: Teacher, I want to see (Day 38)

This is a deeply moving story. It portrays a man who has lost his independence with his sight, who has evidently lost any family he had (otherwise they would have cared for him and he would not have needed to beg), and who is so desperate for a solut...

Join the Bible mission community

Will you release the power of God’s word to change lives on a regular basis as a member of Bible a Month?

Job 15: Are the comforts of God too small for you? (Day 47)

Eliphaz the Temanite has heard Job’s words, but it’s clear he hasn’t accepted them. When it comes to understanding God’s ways, he thinks he’s got it nailed and no matter what evidence Job puts forward, he’s not about to let it get in the ...

Genesis 3: Human nature revealed (Day 3)

The Bible's first two chapters paint a picture of God's creation in harmony: people, living creatures and the natural world all fit perfectly together. The creation myths of the time these stories were written described a world born out of ...

The Goddess Nike | Bible Trek – Ephesus Series (Part 1) - 05

The Bible, more than any other collection of ancient writings, has had a massive impact on western culture. From music and literature to law, and in countless other ways, the Bible continues to have an influence and impact today. Even trainers and sp...

Ancient luxuries and Christianity | Bible Trek – Ephesus Series (Part 1) - 06

In this part of Ephesus, archaeologists have discovered luxury housing inhabited by society’s elite. Built into the hillside, these houses were sophisticated dwellings, complete with marble floors and even central heating. Paul’s time in Ephesus ...



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