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518 results for: 'common good'

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Don’t just stand there!

Michael Pfundner explains how the word for ‘news’ in German implies information so significant it demands an actual response, not just a retweet. Likewise, the good news of the gospel is so significant it necessitates a change in the course of o...

A gift in your will

You can enable future generations to experience the Bible for themselves, and help ensure the Bible will go on changing lives for good.

Nazareth Series

Welcome to our latest trek as we visit Nazareth. Today it is a bustling city in northern Israel. Back in Jesus’ day, it was a poor, insignificant hamlet with a small population – famously derided by Nathanael, who questioned: ‘Can anything good...


The Acts of the Apostles tells the story of Jesus’ disciples from their time in Jerusalem, just after Jesus’ ascension, to Paul’s eventual arrival in Rome. Roughly the first half of the book concentrates on what happened to Jesus’ first disci...

When I was studying at Homerton

When I was studying at Homerton, Cambridge, my good friend walked into my room one day, blew the dust off my Bible and said, “Why don’t you read your Bible?” At the same time, I’d taken up pottery. I carried on doing it until I was 80. It was...

I grew up in Accra in Ghana

I grew up in Accra in Ghana: we studied the Bible at secondary school, we went to church, people preached on the bus. It was normal to me. People felt that you needed to hear the word of God. It was preached at the market, where everybody comes. Nobo...

I met my wife in Spain

I met my wife in Spain. When I came to England, I could only say, "Good morning, very pleased to meet you Mr Bolton," that was my father-in-law to be. That was my only sentence. I could say "I love you" and "hello." Ever...

There was a time

There was a time in my life when I was made redundant. I’d worked for the same firm for ten years and was the only person who was made redundant. I thought it was so unfair. I couldn’t understand it. I was nearly 50 years old then and I was unemp...

There are hundreds of verses

There are hundreds of verses from the Bible that comfort me, but this one galvanises me. It’s 1 John 5.12, “God offers us eternal life and it can be found only in his son. So, anyone who has genuine contact with Jesus Christ has eternal life, and...

The verses that stand out for me are from Luke

The verses that stand out for me are from Luke 23.39-43. Jesus is being crucified and on his right hand is a thief and on his left hand is a thief. They are often called the good thief and the bad thief. The good thief says to Jesus, “Remember me w...

My cousin died two years ago

My cousin died two years ago. He was a youth leader and a sound engineer. He had a good heart. I was on the drink. I was an alcoholic and took cocaine. I remember the phone call. I went and saw him on the bed. His mum was crying by him. It didn’t r...

I’m musical and music speaks to me.

I’m musical and music speaks to me. So, the Bible verses that I remember are from songs. There is a song that I love that says "Who the Son sets free is free indeed". That’s John 8.36. That really impacted me. The other one says, "...

I came over from Austria

I came over from Austria in 1959 to improve my English. I was just 19. I wanted to be a nurse, but my father objected, because he considered it to be not good enough. I went behind my father’s back and applied to work in a hospital. I wrote to my f...

Bible Q&A: Why was Mary political?

Was Mary really getting political when she sang, ‘He has brought down rulers from their thrones … He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich empty away’?

The job that brought me here

The job that brought me here, I really, really wanted. The desire for it was disproportionate. I’m from Northern Ireland and had been living in Oxford for two years. The situation there wasn’t particularly great, so at the time, I felt that this ...

We had never done a Bible study before

We had never done a Bible study before. But we had a Bible study app, and, as soon as the schools closed, we decided to start doing a Bible study together. We read a chapter of the Bible every day and then once a week, we talk about it on Facebook Me...

When I was six or seven years old

When I was six or seven years old, I used to like staying with my great aunt. She had an embroidery on the wall, decorated with lovely roses, lilies and anemones. It was 1 Peter 5.7, ‘Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you’. I’m...

I have been spending a lot of time in my garden. I find gardening very therapeutic.

I have been spending a lot of time in my garden. I find gardening very therapeutic. To be in contact with nature, with God’s creation, is important. If I have a bad day, I dig. It’s very good therapy. I’ve been dealing with 10 years of neglect ...

I’m in my second year studying maths and physics at Durham

I’m in my second year studying maths and physics at Durham. I came home at the end of the second term, and didn’t go back. We had to move pretty quickly to get me home. I’m going back in September, or early October, but my classes will mostly b...

When I was a teenager there was pressure to have popular friends and have boyfriends

‘When I was a teenager there was pressure to have popular friends and have boyfriends. I didn’t see myself as being in the successful categories. I had a lot of feelings of rejection. That brings you down. How does it help me if God loves me? I c...



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