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518 results for: 'common good'

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Psalm 23 inspired my back garden

When Winnie Reynolds (62) moved into her new home in Seaford, East Sussex, ten years ago, she wanted to do something a bit different with her garden.

Exodus 4: God's patience with a reluctant servant (Day 52)

At first glance, a passage about food sacrificed to idols might not have much to say to twenty-first century readers. In Paul's time, animals would routinely have been dedicated to a particular god or goddess when they were slaughtered and the m...

Joy's story

'I had broken heart syndrome.'

Exodus 7: Plagues and magic sticks (Day 55)

The Lord's Supper, or Communion, Eucharist or Mass, is meant to be the point at which the whole Church comes together. The number of names for it indicate that it's often the point at which we're most divided, as different traditions a...

The song of a deaf boy disowned by his father

Head of Supporter Relations, Tom Newbold, reflects on his recent visit to the only school for the deaf in eSwatini.

Genesis 26: The promise lives on (Day 25)

As famine pushes Isaac out of the land he loved, we head into two mini-narratives that feel strangely familiar. The first is the promise of God to Isaac. Isaac hears God for himself, receiving a similar promise to that of his father – an assurance ...

Mark 4.1–9: The parable of the sower – or the soil? (Day 32)

The Parable of the Sower is one of the best-known of all Jesus' stories. It's graphic and powerful, with a simple message: some people will respond to the word of God and some will not, because they are hard, shallow or easily tempted. It e...

Acts 8: The Spirit is not for sale (Day 8)

The death of Stephen in the previous chapter marks the beginning of the first great persecution of the Church, in which the man who was to become the Apostle Paul played a leading part. Scattering the believers led to the spreading of the gospel, tho...

Genesis 18.1–33 (Day 17)

This chapter begins a story of high drama. Sitting at the entrance to his tent, Abraham receives angelic visitors, sometimes envisaged as representing the Trinity, as in the famous icon painted by Andrei Rublev in the 15th century.

Genesis 22.11–12: Getting to know each other (Day 21)

If there’s anything you’ve picked up in the story of Abraham, it’s likely to be the significance of his role as a father of great nations, and that of his son Isaac through which this promise will come to pass. You don’t need me to tell you h...

Prisoners find freedom through Scripture when jail door slams behind them

Bibles provided by you are being snapped up by prisoners almost as soon as they arrive in prison libraries.

Mark 2.1–12: Pick up your mat and walk (Day 30)

The four friends of the paralysed man are so desperate for his healing that they break open the roof so that he can get to Jesus. It's been suggested that Mark's Gospel may have been based on the testimony of Peter, and that perhaps it was ...

Mark 3.31–35: No one left behind (Day 31)

Jesus faced opposition from his family. Their view that he is 'out of his mind' (verse 21), seems to be linked to the accusation by the scribes that he was 'possessed by Beelzebul', (verse 22), and provokes a very sharp response: ...

The Church’s response to debt

Theos Think Tank researcher, Hannah Rich, offers insightful discussion of the Church's response to debt problems.

The Garden of Eden: Genesis 2.1–25 (Day 2)

The second chapter of Genesis is a different creation story, complementing the first. This one focuses not on the grand architecture of the universe, but on the human world. The first man is formed from the dust of the ground: he is of the earth, lik...

Young adults: faith, the Bible and the search for meaning

Bible Society's research for Lumino threw up some fascinating findings about differing attitudes to the Bible among different age groups.

Faith, the Bible, and why we're not as divided as we think

There's a story about Christianity in the West that we've got used to hearing. The story is that it's had its day: that science has somehow disproved it, it's out of step with the modern world and that sensible people don't n...

This Christmas you can give the greatest gift

Around the world the Bible’s message is changing lives. But the Bible need keeps growing.



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