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518 results for: 'common good'

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The Parable of the Lost Son, for me, encapsulates the gospel

‘The Parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15.11–32), for me, encapsulates the gospel. Regardless of where you're at in your faith, the message is difficult to accept because it talks about grace, which everyone struggles with a bit. For me that is ...

I love the story of the wedding at Cana in John 2

I love the story of the wedding at Cana in John 2, where Jesus turns water into wine. It really demonstrates the humanness of Jesus in a very strong way, that he chose his first miracle to make people happy. He's slightly peevish with his mother...

During the past year I've been struck by Psalm 121 verses 3–7

‘During the past year I've been struck by Psalm 121 verses 3–7, especially, “He will not let your foot slip” and “the Lord is your shade at your right hand”. ‘My husband was a vicar in Essex for 21 years. In 2018 we felt it was ...

At the beginning of last year I signed up to the Rooted box

‘At the beginning of last year, I signed up to the Rooted box following my brother’s death in February. He had had a heart transplant and then had his vaccine. He passed away from blood clots a month later. He was only 30. It was devastating. ‘...

Three lessons on sharing the gospel from Paul

Christians have a lot to learn from Paul when it comes to spreading the gospel. Paul didn't let his limitations stop him from sharing the good news about Jesus because he knew his circumstances couldn't limit the gospel’s power. Here'...

How did God welcome the foreigner?

One of the most common themes in the Bible is God’s almighty heart and concern for the outcast and the poor. Even if you are abused, thrown aside and left with nothing, there’s still one who sees you. ‘He will never leave nor forsake you’ (De...

Complaints Procedure

At Bible Society, we aim to provide the highest standard of service at all times. But we realise that things do go wrong from time to time, in which case those we service may wish to complain. We welcome all feedback, both good and bad, as an opportu...

Fundraise for us

Are you ready to do something amazing? You could change lives, for good! No matter how you do it, the money you raise will help with Bible mission around the world. Just imagine the impact you could have...


Matthew’s Gospel, like all of the Gospels, tells the story of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Matthew's emphasis is particularly Hebrew. He quotes regularly from the Old Testament and shows how Jesus fulfilled the expectations of God’...


John’s Gospel is the most reflective and overtly theological of all the Gospels. It begins with a beautiful poem on the Word made flesh and continues to interweave stories about Jesus with deep theological reflections on what he means. The stories ...


Romans is the longest of all Paul’s writings and is widely regarded as one of the most important letters that he wrote. It is written to the Christians in Rome and is unusual in that the church there was one of the few that Paul had not founded, ma...


This very short letter takes the form of a personal appeal to Philemon, one of Paul’s friends who had worked alongside him proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ (1.1). He also addresses Apphia, whom Paul addresses as a sister, and Archippus, a ...


Although it takes the form of a letter, the epistle of James feels much more like a sermon. It is the closest that any New Testament book comes to being a part of the Old Testament Wisdom tradition, since it repeatedly urges its recipients to live th...

Meditation for peace

Looking for a calming meditation to help you experience peace today? This visualisation meditation invites you to journey through a relaxing scene with a good shepherd who guides, protects and cares for you.

I grew up in Nigeria with my uncle

I grew up in Nigeria with my uncle. He was a kind man. He was a lawyer. He went to the court one day and came home feeling tired. He asked me to wash his car ready for the morning. Later, his son came running and said, "My Dad is struggling"...

We had a normal childhood in Iraq, but after 2013 our lives have been changed.

We had a normal childhood in Iraq, but after 2013 our lives have been changed. Threats started. Everything took a turn for the worse. I used to go to the university. Many people came up to me and said, “Why don’t you convert to Islam? Why are you...

I personally find my most significant encounters with God happen through moments

I personally find my most significant encounters with God happen through moments when I’m studying the Bible. In my late teens, I went through Ephesians and it had a major impact on me. I got a fresh experience of God’s love for me and how much J...

My dad died very suddenly.

My dad died very suddenly. He was a warehouse manager and had an accident at work. The week before, I’d been reading Philippians. I remember reading Philippians 4.8 which says, “Fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve pra...

My favourite book of the Bible is Philippians

My favourite book of the Bible is Philippians. It speaks a lot about joy and how to be content. There’s a section that talks about what it’s like to have plenty and nothing, food and to be hungry and always to be content. That’s something that ...

We have 13 grandchildren

We have 13 grandchildren. The oldest is 22 and the youngest is four. When we got a boat for holidays they all wanted us to use their initials to make a name for the boat. That didn’t work. I thought it should be Proverbs 17.6, ‘Children’s child...



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