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715 results for: 'psalm 23'

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You know my heart: Psalm 17.1–9 (Day 100)

In the Good News Bible, this psalm is headed, 'The prayer of an innocent person'. This is a fair description: the psalmist is convinced that God knows his heart and 'found no evil desire in me' (verse 3). He says he has 'alwa...

The recipient of gratitude: Psalm 50 (Day 126)

We're in another wisdom psalm today, and this time the lesson is about how you relate to God. In short, the wisdom is: with gratitude!

How long must I endure?: Psalm 13.1–6 (Day 98)

One of the characteristics of the book of Psalms is a deep honesty about human experience. There's grief, anger and pain in the Psalms, but also joy and hope.

At home in God's presence: Psalm 15.1–6 (Day 99)

In Psalm 15, the focus moves away from endurance in the face of attack to an emphasis on God's blessings. 'Lord, who may enter your Temple? Who may worship on Zion, your sacred hill?' the psalmist asks (verse 1).

Sweeter than honey: Psalm 19.1–14 (Day 102)

In his book Reflections on the Psalms, CS Lewis said: 'I take this to be the greatest poem in the Psalter and one of the greatest lyrics in the world.' There are, he points out, six verses about nature, five about the law and four of person...

Answer us when we call: Psalm 20.1–9 (Day 103)

Psalms 20 and 21 are prayers for the king, written at a time when an absolute ruler was a far more significant figure than a modern prime minister or president. There certainly laws and customs he would have been wise to abide by – as King Ahab fou...

Lamentations and the gift of prayer

While God’s mercy is affirmed in the book of Lamentations 3.21–24, Dr Heath Thomas explores how the cry of 'kyrie eleison!' can become a model for the Church today.

Made for eternity: 8 Bible verses about hope

Someone has said that it’s possible to live for 40 days without food, three days without water and eight minutes without air – but only one second without hope. Here are eight Bible verses about hope.

He helped me out of danger: Psalm 18.16–24 (Day 101)

The Hebrew title of this psalm relates it to God's preservation of David in the face of Saul and his other enemies. God is envisaged as a mighty warrior, fighting irresistibly for the psalmist and overcoming his foes.

Ukraine prayer tree

Pray for Ukraine

Bible in a year: February

Tom Newbold has taken on the Bible in a year plan. We caught up with him to find out how it's going six weeks in.

Bible in a year: December

Tom's almost finished reading the whole Bible! We get his last update, a little early...

17 Bible verses about Christmas

Looking for Bible readings for your Christmas services, present labels or Christmas cards? Start here.

How to choose a book for Bible Book Club

Starting Bible Book Club but don’t know where to begin? Here are some ideas…

Meditation for joy

Inspired by ancient spiritual words found in the Bible, our guided meditation invites you to reflect on sources of joy in your life while giving you space to explore the concept of spiritual joy ...

Translation and Production

People have been translating the Bible for hundreds of years. Read how the English translation of the Bible came to be.

Bible in a year: March

Tom Newbold is attempting to read the Bible in a year. We caught up with him in month 3 to find out how it's going so far.

Five ways to pray with the Bible

Christians believe that when they read the Bible God speaks. If you are new to Bible reading as a Christian it is important to recognise that it is slightly different to reading other books.

Bible in a year: May

Fat kings, conquering kingdoms and comfort in the words of Jesus: it's all been going on for Tom during May.

My wife and I were consultant surgeons

My wife and I were consultant surgeons in a Christian hospital in Iran in the 1970s. We lived in Isfahan. We liked everything about it. It was a green city set in the desert.



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