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715 results for: 'psalm 23'

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Bible Q&A: What is the gift of speaking in tongues, and is it for today?

These gifts are things God allows us to do to serve and encourage one another by his power, and they signify that a believer has the Holy Spirit in their lives. They are exercised through faith.

Biblical Fathers: Elkanah

It's Father's Day on Sunday, and this week Bible Society is focusing on some biblical fathers. Some of them get it right, some don't – but they all tell us something about the challenges of fatherhood today.

Hard questions for Bible translators

Translating the Bible can be a difficult task. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to keep everyone happy.

The son of some dear friends of ours was involved in an accident

The son of some dear friends of ours was involved in an accident and was air ambulanced to Southampton. We were gathering every night in church to pray for him. It was really scary.

I’d not long retired and was just going through the motions of day-to-day life

I’d not long retired and was just going through the motions of day-to-day life. I was looking for a new place and purpose. So, I went to a retreat centre in Wales for a few days.

Five years ago, I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma

Five years ago, I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a pretty nasty blood cancer. I had just started training for the licenced lay ministry. I asked everyone to thank the Lord that he was in charge.

I moved around a lot as a kid with my dad being a vicar: Zimbabwe, Sheffield, Bristol.

I moved around a lot as a kid with my dad being a vicar: Zimbabwe, Sheffield, Bristol. As a result, I had a problem with social anxiety and making friends.

I work in a hospital and in March 2020 I got Covid

I work in a hospital and in March 2020 I got Covid. I couldn’t breathe. I thought I was going to die. My wife called the ambulance. I thought I wasn’t going to see my children grow up.

on 16 June 1991

On 16 June 1991 my husband had a stroke in our kitchen. It was a devastating time. My 17-year-old son was standing behind him. I can remember shouting, “He’s dying”. My husband said afterwards that was what made him not die.

I was involved in an horrendous car accident.

I was involved in an horrendous car accident. I had pain in my leg, but they were more worried about the serious head injuries and the fact that I’d been out of it for a bit.

I was a deputy head in a secondary school and I was facing this big change

I was a deputy head in a secondary school and I was facing this big change of going into ministry. I like to have a plan, everything all mapped out for three to five years. Coming into ministry, it’s very difficult to have a plan.

After you turn 60

After you turn 60, you get a bowel screening every two years. It came around and I did it. I was sent for tests. After three months, they said that I had stage four cancer with secondaries in my lung and liver.

I had just finished university and was working as a computer programmer when my father had a heart attack.

I had just finished university and was working as a computer programmer when my father had a heart attack. It was a shocking time for me. He had not had heart trouble. He was living in Cyprus and I was in England, so I couldn’t rush to be there.

Authorship of Isaiah

Read the book of Isaiah and you’ll quickly realise that it is not a biography. The focus is on the message, not the man who proclaimed it. We do know about his calling, though: a close encounter with the majesty, holiness and mercy of God left Isa...

What does the Bible say about legacy?

Today, when we think about ‘legacy’ we probably think first of making sure our money and property are passed down to the next generation when we die. In Bible times, too, this was an important concern, and people’s first instinct was that wealt...

Why should Christians read the Old Testament?

One answer is that the whole Bible is inspired by God, and it’s all his word to us. Another is that it’s full of great stories and wonderful verse that feeds our spirits. Another is that the world of the New Testament grew directly out of the wor...

What happened on Easter Sunday?

What actually happened on Easter Sunday? In this part of the world, only a minority associate Easter with a crucified man returning from the grave. We’ve all been to school. We’ve done our basic history, physics, and biology. We’ve been taught ...

Pray for peace

Join us in prayer for peace and for Bible mission around the world. Bible Society leaders in four countries deeply affected by conflict share their prayers. ‘God, use your people in these countries to be peacemakers.’

My wife and I were told we’d likely never have children

My wife and I were told we’d likely never have children – even if we went through certain procedures. I was born with a “defect”, and after both of us went through some tests, I discovered I had one or two other issues that added insult to in...

Why are asylum seekers so important to God?

Britain in 2024 is obsessed with asylum seekers. Migration is a huge issue in the Bible too. Explore the stories of migrants in the Bible.



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