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715 results for: 'psalm 23'

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Olga’s story: every Bible makes a difference

Meet Olga. Olga is from Rubizhne, in Luhansk Province, which is under Russian control. Before the war she had a home that she loved, and a job that she loved, teaching Russian. The next significant milestone in her life seemed to be retirement.

Queen Elizabeth II: The Bible in the Funeral

The funeral yesterday of Queen Elizabeth II was both dignified and deeply moving. It was a great state occasion, marked by all the pomp and circumstance due to a great queen, but it was also thoroughly Christian and soaked in Scripture.

'Shalom': Philippians 4.2–9; 21–23 (Day 89)

Paul frames his concluding thoughts with the phrases, ‘the peace of God’ (verse 7) and ‘the God of peace’ (verse 9). Despite his predicament, he is full of joy (verse 4), because the still, small voice of God is assuring him of his presence a...

God made visible: Colossians 1.15–23 (Day 90)

In Colossians, Paul lays out a vision of Christian living focused on the person of Jesus. The first chapter contains a lyrical passage, almost a hymn, in which he unpacks the implications of the incarnation.

The Queen and the Bible

Queen Elizabeth had a deep knowledge of the Bible from reading it regularly and hearing countless sermons based on it. For her, as for all Christians, the Bible is a key source not only of doctrine but of comfort, hope and inspiration.

Genesis 24.1–9: What really matters (Day 23)

Tension is building as the scene is set: Abraham is old, God has blessed him and he's wrapping things up. He’s about to complete his final act: finding a wife for his son and thereby securing his family line. The formality of the agreement be...

Genesis 23.7–9 (Day 22)

Today we say goodbye to Sarah, with whom you've perhaps had a rollercoaster relationship as you've read the text. We've seen her good moments and her bad moments. She's a very human person caught up here in the purposes of God. A...

The everlasting mercy: 2 Samuel 22.17–28 (Day 269)

This chapter is a psalm of praise to God for keeping David safe in his troubles. It's also in the book of Psalms (Psalm 18). It uses vivid imagery drawn from storms and floods to depict the trials of David's life – and our own – and por...

Galilee teenager tells how he was saved from suicide at Scripture workshop

A teenager tells how he was saved from suicide at a Scripture workshop run by Bible Society in the Galilee region of northern Israel.

Bibles and aid taken to cities under bombardment

Bible Society staff have been able to take humanitarian aid and Bibles to cities that have been under Russian attack

Six reasons why community gardening is good for us

If you enjoy gardening, or are just dipping your toe into it, you’ll know the real pleasures that it can bring, writes Hazel Southam. Creating a community garden with like-minded people, can be transformational, for individuals, the neighbourhood, ...

Will you give a Ukrainian refugee the Bible today?

Churches throughout Europe are greeting refugees from Ukraine with kindness, but they urgently need Bibles.



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