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715 results for: 'psalm 23'

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Ukraine: demand for Bibles outstrips supply

The demand for Bibles in Ukraine is ‘exploding’ according to a spokesman for the Ukraine Bible Society.

Julie's story

'I was shielding because of health issues. I found it hard. On my first time out of the house, I came to see the garden. I walked round the corner of the building and saw the garden for the first time, and it overwhelmed me. I was blown away by ...

The Bible and Mental Health: Clinging to God

Darkness is my only companion. Psalm 88.18 (GNB) Old Testament psalms that start off with conflict or lament usually end on a note of hope or even triumph. Psalm 88 breaks the mould; there’s no silver lining.

Jacky’s story

‘My son was 16 when he was diagnosed with cancer. He had a brain tumour.’

Crowned with glory and honour: Hebrews 2.5–11 (Day 117)

The writer of Hebrews is overwhelmed with a sense of the glory of Christ. He takes the words of Psalm 8 about human beings lifted up and 'crowned with glory and honour' (verse 7) and applies them directly to Jesus.

Mary Jones: A Bible for all

She was so poor that she had to save for two years to buy a Bible of her own. But now Mary Jones is at the heart of an exhibition at the National Library of Wales.

May Gardening tips

April has not lived up to its ‘April showers’ reputation. Where I live it’s been one of the driest months on record, with just 10 per cent of the normal annual rainfall. So, we go into May with ground that looks like concrete.

June Gardening tips

It feels as if June has snuck up on us, doesn’t it? After weeks of frosts, May skipped by quickly and suddenly here we are in June, unprepared for summer.

Are Harvest Festivals biblical?

Through September and October churches of most denominations have a Harvest Festival. The modern harvest festival developed over time, drawing on biblical themes and local traditions.

April Gardening tips

It’s April! If you’ve been cooped up inside all winter, you’ll be longing for the longer days and the easing of lockdown.  

Job 10: Listen to my bitter complaint! (Day 42)

Job 10 makes interesting reading alongside Psalm 139. There’s a striking similarity in what the writers say about the God who ‘knit [them] together’ in their mothers’ wombs – he is all powerful, all knowing and present everywhere – but a ...

Introducing a city of influence | Bible Trek – Ephesus Series (Part 1) - 01

Welcome to Ephesus! This bustling seaport located in what's now Turkey, on the shores of the Aegean, was second to Rome itself as a city of influence and importance in the ancient world. The ancient city boasted 250,000 inhabitants, a library, a...

The Amphitheatre: Paul sparks a riot | Bible Trek - Ephesus Series (Part 2) - 01

Acts 19 records a riot involving Paul at this theatre. He had been in Ephesus for two years, the message of Jesus had spread widely and many had become Christians. In doing so, they turned away from occult practices. But this caused direct conflict w...

Will you bring God’s word to people without it?

The Bible is for everyone and its power affects whole communities. You can reach people who won’t otherwise hear God’s word by supporting translation projects that have carried on during lockdown.

Hiding Bible texts from the Romans | Bible Trek – The Dead Sea series - 02

Cave 4 is an iconic site for biblical scholars and enthusiasts. In AD68, the Essene community hid biblical texts from the Romans in these caves. Discovered by shepherd boys in 1947, clay pots contained thousands of fragments of Scripture. These manus...

Sodom and Gomorrah | Bible Trek – The Dead Sea series - 07

The hillfort of Masada overlooks the iconic Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth. This beautiful landscape is the setting where patriarchs like Abraham would have travelled. It is also the backdrop to Bible stories; Sodom and Gomorrah were here, wher...

Looking to the Mount of Olives | Bible Trek – Jerusalem in the New Testament Series – 05

The Mount of Olives, just outside Jerusalem, is a significant location. On Palm Sunday Jesus came to this place and the crowds waved palm branches and worshipped him as king. It was from here that Jesus ascended to heaven after his resurrection, prom...

Introducing Jerusalem | Bible Trek – Jerusalem in the Old Testament Series - 01

The iconic city of Jerusalem features throughout the Scriptures. King David made it his capital city; Solomon built his great temple there; it was the scene of countless dramatic events involving prophets and kings; and of course, it was where Jesus ...

Jesus heals a blind man | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 2) – 02

Bethsaida was a fishing village on the outskirts of the Sea of Galilee. This was the hometown of his disciples – Peter, Andrew and Philip. It was also where Jesus healed a blind man in a two-part miracle involving a mud paste placed on his eyes. As...



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