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715 results for: 'psalm 23'

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Why Ukraine found hope in ancient psalm

The psalms have fed and watered the spiritual lives of God’s people for millennia. One of the most dramatic expressions of this nourishing quality was during the early days of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Psalm 27 Garden hailed ‘an amazing miracle’

The Psalm 27 Garden is now open to the public in its permanent home, Sheffield General Cemetery, where it’s been called ‘an amazing miracle’. The cemetery is now a conservation area and a local nature reserve, owned by Sheffield City Council.

Why Psalm 27 is special to me

Designer Ollie Pike discovered Psalm 27 when attending a funeral. ‘Its hopeful message was very comforting at a time of sadness,’ he says.

Nicholas King Lectio Divina 2

Explore Psalm 121 with this lectio divina using the Bible translated by Nicholas King. Use this devotional reading, meditation, prayer and contemplation journey for an immersive experience of Scripture.

Watch Psalm 27

Fear, mortality, the need for guidance and protection, courage and hope: it’s all there in Psalm 27. Join spoken-word artist Dai Woolridge as he brings the psalm – or poem – to life.

A song for a festival: Psalm 81 (Day 273)

This psalm was written for a feast day. There are musical instruments ready, voices raised, and probably food being prepared. It’s likely to be the feast of the Tabernacles mentioned in Leviticus 23.33–43 and Deuteronomy 16.13–17 because of the...

I’m a twin. I always say, I won the twin lottery

I’m a twin. I always say, I won the twin lottery. My brother Mike got the looks, the height, the talent and I got him. When we were really small, we had our own secret language that only he and I could understand.

Ukraine crisis: How Psalm 31 is bringing comfort

Psalm 31 has become ‘the key scripture for all Ukrainians’ according to our colleagues.

Relax with this mindful reflection

Take ten minutes out of your busy day and listen to a meditation based on Psalm 27, an ancient poem that takes us on a journey from fearful circumstances to hope.

Bible Society garden scoops silver at Tatton Park

RHS Tatton Flower Show in Cheshire is one of the highlights of a garden-lover’s calendar, and features beautiful gardens by leading designers. This year one of them, based on Psalm 27, was sponsored by Bible Society.

I have been quite fretful over things

I love Psalm 91, because, as a mum, I have been quite fretful over things. My daughter lived in New York for six months and my son was in Spain for a year at university. So, I spoke this over the kids before they went away. It was such a security. Wh...

Bible Q&A: David – a man after God's own heart?

Why is King David referred to as 'a man after God's own heart? This really challenges me, as many of his psalms call for God to unleash vengeance and judgement upon his adversaries, as opposed to pleading for him to reveal himself to them i...

My wife has an auto-immune disease, Lupus

My wife has an auto-immune disease, Lupus, so when this all started, we knew she had to be so careful. I’d just come back from a business trip, and I had to self-isolate from her within the house for 12 days. I moved into the spare room. It was awf...

I spent six weeks in hospital with a perforated bowel and nearly died

‘I spent six weeks in hospital with a perforated bowel and nearly died. During that time I came across Psalm 33. It sustained me and kept me going. The first verse is about singing joyfully to the LORD. I like singing – I sing in church – and I...

Both my parents were alcoholics and publicans. Church never featured at all.

Both my parents were alcoholics and publicans. Church never featured at all. But I started singing at school when I was 11 and then was asked if I’d like to sing in the local church choir. I spent so much time on the streets trying to avoid being a...

When my mum was pregnant with me

When my mum was pregnant with me, my parents read Psalm 121 a lot. It’s comforting and very beautiful. It gives an atmosphere of peace and support. Then there was a fire in my mum’s house about a week before I was due. The house burned down. My d...

I was 27-years-old and in the WRENS

I was 27-years-old and in the WRENS. There was a drunken sailor who was very difficult, but I thought he was a challenge, so I got to know him. He asked me to marry him. But I had the courage to say that I didn’t want to get married. He said, “If...

I work in an acute medical ward in a hospital in Scotland

I work in an acute medical ward in a hospital in Scotland. Normally we are very busy. We have had some Covid cases. We have also had some patients who are quite poorly. We've had patients, elderly patients, who are dying. We have a strong belief...

Six months into my pregnancy, I found myself having the baby

‘Six months into my pregnancy, I found myself having the baby. That wasn’t in my plan. I had pre-eclampsia. My life was on the line. So was the baby’s. I was scared that I would not survive and that my child would not survive. Everybody was pra...

Additions to Daniel

The original book of Daniel was written in both Hebrew (1.1-21 and 8–12) and Aramaic (2–7). There are, however, three additional chapters that exist only in Greek. The Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Holy Children (Sometimes called t...



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