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715 results for: 'psalm 23'

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The verses that stand out for me are from Luke

The verses that stand out for me are from Luke 23.39-43. Jesus is being crucified and on his right hand is a thief and on his left hand is a thief. They are often called the good thief and the bad thief. The good thief says to Jesus, “Remember me w...

In 2001 my husband and I did up the bathroom

In 2001 my husband and I did up the bathroom and we had fun doing it. We didn’t often have fun. We worked hard and were ships in the night. It was his birthday and I bought him a card with two rabbits in a bath, and inside I wrote words from Psalm ...

I was diagnosed with cancer in January 2018

I was diagnosed with cancer in January 2018. I hadn’t had a voice for a couple of years. The doctors thought it was psychological. But there was a tumour on my vocal chords. I had treatment all of last year and was cancer free, and thought I could ...

I came over from Austria

I came over from Austria in 1959 to improve my English. I was just 19. I wanted to be a nurse, but my father objected, because he considered it to be not good enough. I went behind my father’s back and applied to work in a hospital. I wrote to my f...

My wife, Linda, died four years ago

My wife, Linda, died four years ago. We’d been married for 36 years. In 2015, we spent an amazing week on Lindisfarne. When we arrived, there was a little bookmark on my bed. It was of Psalm 32.8, ‘I will instruct you and teach you in the way you...

I’m working in an emergency surgery ward

I’m working in an emergency surgery ward, but I’m also doing bank shifts on some of the Covid wards. They can get a little bit short staffed. I’ve had to leave my house. My husband has a respiratory condition and is doing social shielding on th...

I’m a locum doctor in a hospital in Nottingham

I’m a locum doctor in a hospital in Nottingham. At the moment, I’m on a gastro-enterology ward, but I was on the palliative care ward with patients with Covid-19. The scripture that’s really helped me recently, is Colossians 3.23-24, ‘Whateve...

I’m 91. So, in theory, I’ve been shielding.

I’m 91. So, in theory, I’ve been shielding. I go for walks, keeping well away from everybody. Occasionally, I knock on people’s doors and stand behind the hedge and talk to people. I use a lot of Zoom to pray for people. I do quite a lot of pho...

During the pandemic, I have been reading the Bible each day with my nephew over the phone

During the pandemic, I have been reading the Bible each day with my nephew over the phone. He lives on his own and is a key worker, so I knew this would be a challenging time for him. We started at the beginning, in Genesis, and now we are on Joshua....

I have a daughter who has autism

‘I have a daughter who has autism. She was born with learning disabilities, epilepsy, ADHD, everything under the sun. I began to notice blank looks at the age of eight or nine months. She didn’t respond to a smile. She’s 19 now. Then, it was qu...

My wife had three miscarriages before our first little boy arrived

‘My wife had three miscarriages before our first little boy arrived. In the aftermath of the third miscarriage, she got pregnant. I was anxious about the pregnancy not going to plan. I was hyper-sensitive, hyper-alert. I couldn’t envisage a futur...

I hit a big low last November

‘I hit a big low last November. Having earned a good salary as a teacher, I found myself on universal credit with just £404 per month. It was very difficult. How do I live on that? I went into a dark pit. One day I went to the beach. I decided tha...

In 2003 I went to Uganda

‘In 2003 I went to Uganda. I was treasurer of a charity and I went to visit the work I'd been supporting. I had never been abroad before and never gone on a long-haul flight so it was a major event for me, more so because a few years previousl...

About 10 years ago, I was very, very ill and the doctors couldn’t see how to treat me

‘About 10 years ago, I was very, very ill and the doctors couldn’t see how to treat me. I basically had two years at home confined to a wheelchair. I didn’t see anyone except my husband and girls. I slept and looked out of the window. I couldn�...

What a couple of years it’s been

‘What a couple of years it’s been. The passage that really has spoken to me during this time is Colossians 1.15–23. We had bought a house and moved a couple of weeks before the first lockdown. We ripped it apart to renovate it. We had a house t...

My first husband had left me with three small children

‘My first husband had left me with three small children, and I had been on my own for 20 years. I was quite young when my husband left. The children grew up and I met this wonderful, wonderful man, but he wasn’t a Christian. I fell in love, but I...

The passage that is really important to me is Ephesians 3.16–19

‘The passage that is really important to me is Ephesians 3.16–19 which talks about God strengthening us, knowing his love and being “filled to the measure of all the fullness of God”. I used to be in a wheelchair. I had a car accident in 2006...

I always took God seriously

‘I always took God seriously. I was in the choir at school. I can remember that we never sang the last few verses of Psalm 95. I must have been aged about eight or nine and asked why and was told that they were unsuitable for Christian worship. Eve...

‘During the pandemic, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

‘During the pandemic, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The verse that helped me was a verse that’s been with me all my adult life, Psalm 16.8, “I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken”.

Over the last few years, it feels like there’s been a lot of upheaval

Over the last few years, it feels like there’s been a lot of upheaval globally, but I’ve also changed my job and my city. During that Psalm 131 really helped.



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