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715 results for: 'psalm 23'

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Psalms in tough times | Bible Trek – The Dead Sea series - 05

In the searing heat of the En Gedi wilderness region near the Dead Sea, we are reminded that this is the place where David came to hide from King Saul. Hiding in a cave, he wrote psalms, including Psalm 63, which speaks of his desperate need for God ...

A prayer for the nation’s restoration: Psalm 80 (Day 272)

This psalm is a communal lament by the temple musicians (the sons of Asaph), probably at a time when disaster had fallen upon the northern tribes. Coming together to lament before God, the Israelites recognise that they need God first and foremost, a...

A cry for help: Psalm 88 (Day 277)

This psalm is another individual lament. It is particularly significant as it is right in the centre of the book of Psalms and it is the only lament which is without any hope – it’s as if the psalmists want to bring us to our lowest point before ...

A hymn in time of national trouble: Psalm 89 (Day 278)

Psalm 89 is a Royal Psalm, one of a selection of psalms which all feature content concerning the relationship between God and the king. For example, some relate to coronations, some appeal for aid before battle, and some are for royal weddings.

In 2018, my dad was really ill in hospital

In 2018, my dad was really ill in hospital. He was in a coma for 19 weeks with an infection that led to encephalitis. We thought that was it.

His love is eternal: Psalm 136.1–15 (Day 310)

Psalm 135 and 136 belong together. They both take God's power shown in creation as a sign of his enduring love, as well as the Exodus and his preservation of the Israelites against the Amorites and Canaanites.

Meditation for sleep

In search of a calming meditation before sleep? Using ancient words of wisdom, our guided meditation lets you reflect on the day that’s passed, celebrating joyful moments and seeking resolution where needed.

A prayer for the nation’s welfare: Psalm 85 (Day 275)

Sometimes we face a rebuilding moment in our lives and communities – a rebuilding and repairing of our relationship with God and other people. It sometimes comes at a time of crisis or change and it can be hard to face or see beyond. Today’s psal...

Grief and rage in exile: Psalm 137.1–9 (Day 311)

The first part of Psalm 137 is a plaintive lament for what the people of God in exile have lost. The psalmist is disconnected from the Temple and the land, and therefore from God. How can he 'sing a song to the Lord in a foreign land?' (ver...

Save us by your might: Psalm 60.1–12 (Day 132)

We go to the Psalms to find words for how we feel – sometimes in times of rejoicing, and sometimes in times of sorrow. Psalms also has words for times of national calamity.

A prayer for help: Psalm 86 (Day 276)

This is an individual lament, ascribed to David. In it, David seems to be in a desperate situation where he fears for his life. Despite this, rather than dwelling on his own danger, David spends most of the psalm meditating on God’s divine nature a...

Longing for God’s house: Psalm 84 (Day 274)

This well-known psalm beautifully describes the psalmist's longing to be in God’s house, the temple in Jerusalem. The pilgrim even sounds jealous of the sparrows and swallows that nest there.

God remains good: Psalm 52 (Day 128)

The performance directions introduce the setting for this psalm as, 'When Doeg the Edomite had gone to Saul and told him, "David has gone to the house of Ahimelech"'. You can read the story for yourself in 1 Samuel 21–22, but...

Jesus and Paul: 1 Corinthians 11.23–26 (Day 249)

Biblical scholars commonly assume that Paul’s letters are older than the Gospels. This would make 1 Corinthians 11.23–26 our earliest reference to the Lord’s Supper.

Meditation for peace

Looking for a calming meditation to help you experience peace today? This visualisation meditation invites you to journey through a relaxing scene with a good shepherd who guides, protects and cares for you.

Mercy and rehabilitation in Britain's prison system

Crime, punishment and the dynamics of mercy – Sara Hyde explores the role mercy could and should play in rehabilitating offenders.

Bible Q&A: How can we trust God in times of suffering?

Suppose someone else could give us a sound biblical explanation; would it take away the hurt?

Frenemies: Psalm 55 (Day 131)

While yesterday's psalm about enemies might have felt further from our day-to-day experience, perhaps today's psalm has more resonances. The 'enemy' mentioned at the start is revealed in verse 14 as a former friend. 

A safe place to confess: Psalm 51 (Day 127)

This psalm is well known, largely for its link with the story of David and Bathsheba (see 2 Samuel 11–12) and more recently for the gentle online parodies around hand–washing guidelines for coronavirus.

The shadow of God's wings: Psalm 63.1–11 (Day 133)

In Psalm 63, the psalmist writes movingly about his longing for God. 'My whole being desires you; like a dry, worn-out, and waterless land, my soul is thirsty for you', he says (verse 1).



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