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I'm 87 now

My Bible: reasons to believe in the power of the Bible

'I’m 87 now, but I was a weapons engineer in the Navy. When I was growing up, I was in the church choir. But when I joined the Navy, church and Jesus were very much in the background. It wasn’t until I was in Greenwich that I met the Lord and felt I should follow him. 

‘The verse that means a lot to me is Philippians 1.6, which says, “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”. 

‘That’s so important. There have been times when I have wondered if I am doing the Lord’s work. But this says that no matter what I’m doing, the Lord has encouraged and guided me all the way through. When I read this, I felt that the Lord had brought me to the places where I had been. I was really encouraged by that, and now use this verse to encourage other people too. It’s a miracle really that the Lord should do this. 

‘I’ve learned that whatever I’m doing, I should do it to the glory of God. Whatever I’m doing the Lord is watching me, so that motivates me, to be honest. That’s part of service training. God is my commanding officer, but a good commanding officer who will talk to his troops through the Bible. God is absolutely good and loving, and I have never had a commanding officer like that!’


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