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Is the Bible racist?

The death of George Floyd at the hands of police in the US – and more recently of Rayshard Brooks – has galvanised anti-racism activism under the 'Black Lives Matter' banner.

Bible mission enters crucial phase in China

Arleen Luo, Bible Society’s China Mission Specialist, shares both the challenges and opportunities of spreading the word of God in China and explains why your continued support is so vital today.

28,000 Syrian children given gifts of Scripture amid conflict and pandemic

Twenty-eight thousand children in Syria were thrilled to receive Scriptures this Easter thanks to the generous giving of people like you.

The Bible and the President

A picture of the Bible has flashed all around the world. It’s on every news channel and in every newspaper. As an organisation devoted to distributing and promoting the Bible, we might be expected to be happy about that...

Open to all: National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast 2020

The National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast in Westminster Hall has become a fixture in Parliament’s timetable, but until now numbers have always been limited. However, because of the coronavirus pandemic, this year the...

The Bible and Mental Health: Clinging to God

Darkness is my only companion. Psalm 88.18 (GNB) Old Testament psalms that start off with conflict or lament usually end on a note of hope or even triumph. Psalm 88 breaks the mould; there’s no silver lining.

World Meditation Day

The last year has been very strange: for many of us life has got much more stressful, while others of us have had the opposite experience.

Bible Society in Jordan given special permission to deliver supplies

Bibles and food were distributed to needy families in Jordan by a Bible Society team given special permission by the government to bypass a coronavirus lockdown in April.

The Bible and Mental Health: Burnout

If you’ve ever worked out on a resistance machine, you’ll know the feeling of doing fine for a number of repeats before the weights seem to be getting heavier and heavier, until suddenly you can’t carry on...

The Bible and Mental Health: Separation

God did not create us as loners. Ask anyone going through homesickness, bereavement or lover’s grief. The Bible records a moving incident in the mission of the apostle Paul as he says a final farewell to the leaders...

The Bible and Mental Health: Mindfulness

The message and imagery are so compelling, it is easy to miss the fact that Jesus is encouraging his listeners to observe nature. 

The Bible and Mental Health: Anxiety

Few things affect people’s mental health as badly as anxiety. Though it may show in more ways than one, anxiety is essentially about losing control. Jesus knew this.
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