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Meditation for gratitude

What people, places and opportunities are you grateful for? And how often do you experience and express gratitude for these things?

Our guided gratitude meditation invites joy into your day as you reflect on the blessings in your life.

But it also goes a step further, offering you the chance to explore your understanding of where these good gifts come from: whether they’re the result of luck, hard work, fate, the universe or God ...

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Meditate to feel gratitude ...

What are you grateful for? What makes you feel blessed?

Inspired by ancient beliefs found in the Bible, our guided meditation for gratitude invites you to call to mind the good things in your life, including your senses, your home and your relationships.

As our gratitude meditation continues, you’ll be invited to think more deeply about the origin of the good things in your life before exploring ancient wisdom on how to maintain a thankful mindset in difficult circumstances.

Download gratitude meditation script

‘Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God, the Creator of the heavenly lights.’

James, the Bible

The story behind these words

This quote is taken from a letter written by James, a writer in the New Testament, who some scholars believe was the brother of Jesus. His letter is addressed to Christians around the world.

This section explores James’ understanding of God – who he is and what he wants for our lives.

To James, God is all good. He doesn’t want to trick, deceive or mislead. Instead, he’s the source of goodness in our lives. According to James, every good thing in our life is thanks to God. It isn’t the result of luck or chance, but a gift directly from him.

What does spiritual gratitude mean to you? Do you think a higher presence is at work in your life – one who you want to say thank you to? Might that be the God of the Bible? 

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