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Meditation for peace

Want to experience a rich sense of peace and calm? Find a quiet space, make yourself comfortable and hit play on our 10-minute meditation for peace.
Inspired by an ancient song that starts ‘the Lord is my shepherd’, this guided visualisation invites you to imagine yourself resting in lush green fields and dipping your toes in cool pools of water as you journey towards a place of peace and abundance. 

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Meditate on peace ...

Picture the scene: you’re lying on a bed of soft green grass. Your to-do list is a distant memory. You rest here for as long as you need, feeling the grass beneath your fingertips and the sunshine on your skin ... Sound relaxing?

In this meditation for peace, you’re invited to step into an ancient song that begins, ‘The Lord is my shepherd’. As you listen, envisage a shepherd guiding you through the countryside, leading you towards a place of peace and abundance.

The journey – like life – has high and low points. As you explore the landscape, reflect on which scene resonates with you today: are you longing to rest in green fields or revive your energy levels in cool pools of water? Perhaps you feel like you’re stumbling through a dark valley or in a place of celebration.

Wherever you are right now, we hope you feel a deep sense of peace knowing that the shepherd is with you every step of the way.

The story behind these words

This meditation is based on Psalm 23, a song of praise found in the Bible. It’s said to have been written by King David, the King of Israel from around 1000 to 962 BCE.

Although David was a monarch, he had a surprisingly humble upbringing. He grew up in a working-class family and was often out in the fields tending to the sheep.

So, he knew what it meant to be a good shepherd. You had to ensure the flock had everything it needed – no matter the hour. You’d even have to fight off wild animals and rescue sheep who were lost or in trouble.

Here, David uses this image to describe God: a constant presence, who guides, protects, nurtures and provides, just like a shepherd. 

This song reflects on David’s life, recognising that God has been there throughout: as a source of rest to renew his energy, a guiding presence during dark times, and an endless source of abundance and love.

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