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Word in Action

Word in Action keeps you updated on the amazing worldwide impact of your kind giving. Read inspiring stories of how your support is changing lives, find out about new Scripture resources, and keep up to date with all the latest news about Bible mission.

In our action-packed summer 2024, anniversary issue ...

  • A teenage gang member planning a revenge shooting in Guatemala City found Jesus instead. Read Wilson’s testimony to discover the extraordinary impact of your support for Open the Book Bible storytelling in a crowded detention centre in Guatemala
  • And then we jump to the Gulf and discover how your support of churches in Bahrain is leading people to Jesus. Read a series of wonderful testimonies to see how the word of God is changing the lives of migrant workers
  • This year is Bible Society’s 220th anniversary! A lot has happened since Mary Jones walked 26 miles to get a Bible in her own language and inspired the founders of Bible Society. We look back at the amazing impact of Bible mission, and forward to all the work that still needs to be done

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