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Air attacks hit Bible Society offices in Israel and Gaza

The Bible Society office in Gaza has been damaged during an air strike, while in Tel Aviv a rocket fell 100 metres from the Bible Society shop, also causing considerable damage.

How are mission teams reaching people affected by fighting in Israel and Gaza?

Fighting is focused on Gaza, but the effects of the conflict are being felt throughout the Bible Lands. Mission teams based in Jerusalem and Nazareth are responding with Scripture and practical support, and people in this...

Chinese Church is the fastest-growing in the UK, report finds

The Chinese Church is now the fastest-growing Church in the UK, according to a new report from Bible Society. It has seen a 28.8 per cent growth in the last two years. The growth is happening largely in Cantonese congregations...

Children love their school’s Psalm 23 garden

‘Calming’, ‘serene’ and ‘tranquil’, that’s how children at Romsey Abbey School in Hampshire have described their newly-opened Psalm 23 garden.  The school was inspired by Bible Society’s Psalm 23 Garden at...

Eyes on Jesus in Gaza

The leaders of the Holy Land’s three Bible Society teams are asking for your prayers. Will you pray that they’re able to maintain their amazing Christian witness in a time of war, keeping their eyes fixed on Jesus?

Complete at last: the Mohawk Bible

The Bible can now be read in the Mohawk language, thanks to 24 years of hard of work that realised a lifelong dream for Harvey Satewas Gabriel. A Mohawk Gospel of John was the first Scripture translation Bible Society published...

Pray for Israel and Gaza

Bible Societies in the Holy Land have asked for prayer in the wake of the terror attack on Israel and the ensuing attack on Hamas in Gaza. The Bible Societies in the region serve their different communities but work closely...

A call to prayer for Prisons Week

Sunday 8 October is Prisons Sunday, and over the following week Christians are encouraged to pray for everyone affected by crime and imprisonment. You can make a real difference by seeking God on behalf of some of the most...

A Bible bonanza in the Gulf

Oppressed migrant workers are turning to Christ in the Gulf and when they go to the Bible Society shop in Oman they find Scriptures in more than 60 languages. Lydia Abraham, the Bible Society in the Gulf representative in...

Filling libraries in China with Bible books

Your support means more and more lay preachers in China are getting the resources they need. Hear what one, Ding Yunying, has to say.

Longing to see the word in your language

Bible Society supporters have a passion to see Chinese people engage with Bible. Right now they’re coming together to support the work of translating the Scriptures into China’s many minority languages.

Richard is running for Bibles

Richard Fairchild has adapted the Bike for Bibles challenge to run, instead of cycle, a biblical distance and raise money to bring the power of Scripture into more lives.
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