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Kyryl hears who Jesus is

Kyryl lives in Northern Ukraine with his sister Yana, three other children and his grandmother Olena.

Psalm 72 and the Platinum Jubilee

Is this a psalm for The Queen?

Church in communist Laos so grateful for Study New Testament

Christians in communist Laos, one of the poorest countries in East Asia, are praising God and thanking Bible Society supporters.

Bible Society hosts spoken word at Big Church Day Out

We are so excited to be at Big Church Day Out this year, officially hosting spoken word at the biggest Christian festival in the UK for the very first time.

‘Uncle Wong’ asks for prayer for China as his new book is published

Leading Chinese biblical scholar ‘Uncle Wong’ asks for prayer for China as his new book is published by Bible Society.

Declaration calls for the pain of Christians under pressure to be understood

The Magi Initiative in Cambridge rounded off with a clear declaration of the need to share the pain of Christians under pressure in the world.

Christian exodus from the Middle East

Exile was the theme of this year’s Bible Society Magi Initiative. And for some church leaders from the Middle East who came to Cambridge for the conference, exile has been a daily reality.

Christian women face double discrimination

The Magi Initiative in Cambridge heard how Christian women across the world face double discrimination for being women, and for their faith. 

Fiona Bruce MP launches Bible Society Magi Initiative

Fiona Bruce MP has launched the Magi Initiative of The Bible Society by highlighting attacks on the church in parts of Ukraine that are under Russian occupation.

‘We bring light in the darkness,’ Ukraine Bible Society tell Premier TV

Anatoliy speaks of God’s presence and protection, as well as a hunger for the Bible amidst the horror and heartache in Ukraine.

Meet the Ukrainians whose lives have been changed by your generosity

Read the stories of Ukrainians you’re helping
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